Schrödinger, who was deeply impressed by Vedānta philosophy. He wrote in his
seminal book “What is Life”:
The only possible alternative is simply to keep the immediate that consciousness is
a singular of which the plural is unknown; that there is only one thing and that, which
seems to be a plurality, is merely a series of different aspects of this one thing,
produced by a deception (the Indian Maya); the same illusion is produced in a gallery
of mirrors, and in the same way Gaurisankar and Mt. Everest turned out to be the
same peak seen from different valleys…
” (Schrödinger, 1944, p. 89).
Prof. Max Planck
Schrödinger is not the only influential quantum physicist who postulates the primacy
and continuity of consciousness. For instance, his eminent German colleague and
fellow Nobel laureate Max Planck (who coined the term “quantum”) states in his
speech on “Das Wesen der Materie” [The Nature of Matter]:
Als Physiker, der sein ganzes Leben der nüchternen Wissenschaft, der Erforschung
der Materie widmete, bin ich sicher von dem Verdacht frei, für einen Schwarmgeist
gehalten zu werden. Und so sage ich nach meinen Erforschungen des Atoms dieses:
Es gibt keine Materie an sich. Alle Materie entsteht und besteht nur durch eine Kraft,
welche die Atomteilchen in Schwingung bringt und sie zum winzigsten
Sonnensystem des Alls zusammenhält. Da es im ganzen Weltall aber weder eine
intelligente Kraft noch eine ewige Kraft gibt—es ist der Menschheit nicht gelungen,
das heißersehnte Perpetuum mobile zu erfinden—so müssen wir hinter dieser Kraft
einen bewußten intelligenten Geist annehmen. Dieser Geist ist der Urgrund aller
.” (Planck, 1944).
As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the
study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There
is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which
brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of
the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious
and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter
.” (as cited in Pickover, 2008)
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The English translation is not perfect and “Mind” should be translated as “Spirit”
(Geist) – an important distinction. The same non-dual perspective as articulated by
Schrödinger and Planck can be found back in several ancient Indian wisdom
traditions. For example, the great scientist of the mind Patañjali writes in Sanskrit:
“To identify consciousness with that which merely reflects consciousness – this is