The psilocybin-telomere hypothesis
The Psilocybin-Telomere Hypothesis: An empirically falsifiable prediction concerning the beneficial neuropsychopharmacological effects of psilocybin on genetic aging

Psilocybin &
Genetic Ageing
Psilocybin &
Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Brain Health & Neuroplasticity

Studies indicate that psilocybin has beneficial effects on neuronal processes and that it facilitates neurogenesis. The 5-HT (serotonin) system is one of the primary targets of psilocybin.

Raval, N. R., Johansen, A., Donovan, L. L., Ros, N. F., Ozenne, B., Hansen, H. D., & Knudsen, G. M. (2021). A single dose of psilocybin increases synaptic density and decreases 5-HT2A receptor density in the pig brain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
de Vos, C. M. H., Mason, N. L., & Kuypers, K. P. C. (2021). Psychedelics and Neuroplasticity: A Systematic Review Unraveling the Biological Underpinnings of Psychedelics. In Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Aleksandrova, L. R., & Phillips, A. G. (2021). Neuroplasticity as a convergent mechanism of ketamine and classical psychedelics. In Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.
Inserra, A., De Gregorio, D., & Gobbi, G. (2021). Psychedelics in Psychiatry: Neuroplastic, Immunomodulatory, and Neurotransmitter Mechanisms. Pharmacological Reviews.

Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Emotionregulation & Empathy

Data confirms that psilocybin enhances emotional well-being in a longitudinal manner. Furthermore, numerous brain-imaging studies concluded that psilocybin improves cognitive processes associated with empathy and prosocial behaviour.

Roseman, L., Demetriou, L., Wall, M. B., Nutt, D. J., & Carhart-Harris, R. L. (2018). Increased amygdala responses to emotional faces after psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. Neuropharmacology.
Kraehenmann, R., Preller, K. H., Scheidegger, M., Pokorny, T., Bosch, O. G., Seifritz, E., & Vollenweider, F. X. (2015). Psilocybin-induced decrease in amygdala reactivity correlates with enhanced positive mood in healthy volunteers. Biological Psychiatry.
Grimm, O., Kraehenmann, R., Preller, K. H., Seifritz, E., & Vollenweider, F. X. (2018). Psilocybin modulates functional connectivity of the amygdala during emotional face discrimination. European Neuropsychopharmacology.

Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Inflammation & Immunomodulation

Recent research supports the notion that psilocybin & DMT have anti-inflammatory effects and that these substances may modulate the immune-system. There is a lot of room for new findings. For instance, the novel "psilocybin-microbiome hypothesis" (Germann, 2021) predicts that psilocybin changes the genetic variation of the human microbiome in a systematic quantifiable fashion.

Lee, S. H., Yoon, S. H., Jung, Y., Kim, N., Min, U., Chun, J., & Choi, I. (2020). Emotional well-being and gut microbiome profiles by enterotype. Scientific Reports.
Qamar, N., Castano, D., Patt, C., Chu, T., Cottrell, J., & Chang, S. L. (2019). Meta-analysis of alcohol induced gut dysbiosis and the resulting behavioral impact. Behavioural Brain Research, 376, 112196.
Sarkar, A., Harty, S., Johnson, K. V. A., Moeller, A. H., Carmody, R. N., Lehto, S. M., Erdman, S. E., Dunbar, R. I. M., & Burnet, P. W. J. (2020). The role of the microbiome in the neurobiology of social behaviour. Biological Reviews.

Publications as a function of time
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing

Source: Tullis, P. (2021). How ecstasy and psilocybin are shaking up psychiatry. Nature.

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Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
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A plethora of genetic and geroscience studies indicate that telomere length is a reliable biomarker of cellular aging [1,2], i.e., telomeres are regarded as a robust indicator of mitotic cell and possibly organismal longevity [3]. Attrition/uncapping of telomeres is associated with the degeneration of multiple systems such as various organ failures, de- pletion of the totipotent stem cell répertoire, tissue atrophy, impairments in injury responses and various (neuro)restorative processes, inter alia [4]. Furthermore, it has been proposed that telomeres function as a “psychobiomarker” as they are partially regulated by psychological factors [5,6].

Germann, C. B. (2020). The Psilocybin-Telomere Hypothesis: An empirically falsifiable prediction concerning the beneficial neuropsychopharmacological effects of psilocybin on genetic aging. Medical Hypotheses, 134, 109406.

Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Telomeres & Telomerase
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Increased low-frequency brain responses to music after psilocybin therapy for depression

Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Epigenetic Clocks Help to Find Anti-Aging Treatments | Steve Horvath | TEDxBerkeley
Steve Horvath is a professor of human genetics and biostatistics at the University of California, Los Angeles. Horvath had a lifelong interest in solving an important problem in aging research: how do we measure aging? In 2011 Horvath and his collaborators at UCLA described the first age estimation method (epigenetic clock) for saliva based on chemical modifications of the DNA molecule known as DNA methylation.
Savage Kingdom
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
How Can Telomeres Cause Age-Related Disease?
Telomeres are the chromosomes end-part, that are needed to protect chromosome ends. Due to the way chromosomes are copied, these telomeres shorten with each round of cell division. This shortening is kept in check by the enzyme telomerase which elongates telomeres. However because of the limited amount of telomerase, telomere shorten with age in humans. People who cannot effectively elongate telomeres may show manifestations of a Telomere Syndrome, which include age-related diseases such as bone marrow failure, immune senescence and pulmonary fibrosis. Carol Greider, 2009 Nobel Laureate and professor at Johns Hopkins University, discusses how the seemingly benign structure on chromosome ends can underlie human disease.
Savage Kingdom
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Emotions Stress and Rate of Telomere Shortening: Are Our Cells Listening to Us?
Does stress speed up the aging process at a genetic level? Our cells are constantly aging. When cell divide some telomere is lost but if it becomes too short, that cell can no longer replicate and eventual dies. Elissa Epel, UCSF department of psychiatry, explores the affects of stress and emotions on the process of telomere shortening.
"Psilocybin-Telomere Hypothesis" Info-graphic
Emotions Stress and Rate of Telomere Shortening: Are Our Cells Listening to Us?
Cognitive Stress, Mindfulness, and Telomeres
Pertinent References
Ants, Spiders, and Bees - Francis Bacon (Novum Organum)
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
"Psilocybin-Telomere Hypothesis" Info-graphic
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Prominent variables that influence telomere attrition:

Telomere image source:
U.S. Department of Energy Genomic Science program

The “Psilocybin-Telomere Hypothesis”
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing

Website & content created by Dr. Christopher B. Germann

Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Germann, C. B. (2019). The Psilocybin-Telomere Hypothesis: An empirically falsifiable prediction concerning the beneficial neuropsychopharmacological effects of psilocybin on genetic aging.
Medical Hypotheses, 134, 1–9.
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Emotions Stress and Rate of Telomere Shortening: Are Our Cells Listening to Us?
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing

UCTV [ID: 23204] [Recorded on 11/10/2011] [Health and Medicine]

Cognitive Stress, Mindfulness, and Telomeres
Pertinent References
  1. Carhart-Harris, R. L., Roseman, L., Bolstridge, M., Demetriou, L., Pannekoek, J. N., Wall, M. B., … Nutt, D. J. (2017). Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: fMRI-measured brain mechanisms. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 13187.
  2. Catlow, B. J., Song, S., Paredes, D. A., Kirstein, C. L., & Sanchez-Ramos, J. (2013). Effects of psilocybin on hippocampal neurogenesis and extinction of trace fear conditioning. Experimental Brain Research, 228(4), 481–491.
  3. Epel, E., Daubenmier, J., Moskowitz, J. T., Folkman, S., & Blackburn, E. (2009). Can Meditation Slow Rate of Cellular Aging? Cognitive Stress, Mindfulness, and Telomeres. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1172(1), 34–53.
  4. Gotlib, I. H., LeMoult, J., Colich, N. L., Foland-Ross, L. C., Hallmayer, J., Joormann, J., … Wolkowitz, O. M. (2015). Telomere length and cortisol reactivity in children of depressed mothers. Molecular Psychiatry, 20(5), 615–620.
  5. Griffiths, R. R., Richards, W. A., McCann, U., & Jesse, R. (2006). Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences having substantial and sustained personal meaning and spiritual significance. Psychopharmacology, 187(3), 268–283.
  6. Hoge, E. A., Chen, M. M., Orr, E., Metcalf, C. A., Fischer, L. E., Pollack, M. H., … Simon, N. M. (2013). Loving-Kindness Meditation practice associated with longer telomeres in women. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 32, 159–163.
  7. Johnson, M. W., & Griffiths, R. R. (2017). Potential Therapeutic Effects of Psilocybin. Neurotherapeutics, 14(3), 734–740.
  8. Kraehenmann, R., Schmidt, A., Friston, K., Preller, K. H., Seifritz, E., & Vollenweider, F. X. (2016). The mixed serotonin receptor agonist psilocybin reduces threat-induced modulation of amygdala connectivity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 11, 53–60.
  9. Malan, S., Hemmings, S., Kidd, M., Martin, L., & Seedat, S. (2011). Investigation of telomere length and psychological stress in rape victims. Depression and Anxiety, 28(12), 1081–1085.
  10. McCorvy, J. D., Olsen, R. H., & Roth, B. L. (2016). Psilocybin for depression and anxiety associated with life-threatening illnesses. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(12), 1209–1210.
  11. Preller, K. H., Pokorny, T., Krähenmann, R., Dziobek, I., Stämpfli, P., & Vollenweider, F. X. (2015). The Effect of 5-HT2A/1a Agonist Treatment On Social Cognition, Empathy, and Social Decision-making. European Psychiatry, 30, 22.
  12. Roseman, L., Demetriou, L., Wall, M. B., Nutt, D. J., & Carhart-Harris, R. L. (2018). Increased amygdala responses to emotional faces after psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. Neuropharmacology, 142, 263–269.
  13. Ross, S., Bossis, A., Guss, J., Agin-Liebes, G., Malone, T., Cohen, B., … Schmidt, B. L. (2016). Rapid and sustained symptom reduction following psilocybin treatment for anxiety and depression in patients with life-threatening cancer: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(12), 1165–1180.
  14. Wei, Y. Bin, Backlund, L., Wegener, G., Mathé, A. A., & Lavebratt, C. (2015). Telomerase dysregulation in the hippocampus of a rat model of depression: Normalization by lithium. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology.
  15. Wikgren, M., Maripuu, M., Karlsson, T., Nordfjäll, K., Bergdahl, J., Hultdin, J., … Norrback, K.-F. (2012). Short Telomeres in Depression and the General Population Are Associated with a Hypocortisolemic State. Biological Psychiatry, 71(4), 294–300.
  16. Wolkowitz, O. M., Mellon, S. H., Epel, E. S., Lin, J., Dhabhar, F. S., Su, Y., … Blackburn, E. H. (2011). Leukocyte Telomere Length in Major Depression: Correlations with Chronicity, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress - Preliminary Findings. PLoS ONE, 6(3), e17837.
  17. Wolkowitz, O. M., Reus, V. I., & Mellon, S. H. (2011). Telomere shortening in leukocyte subpopulations in depression. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 13(1), 25–39.
  18. Wolkowitz, O. M., Reus, V. I., & Mellon, S. H. (2011). Of sound mind and body: depression, disease, and accelerated aging. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 13(1), 25–39. Retrieved from
Ants, Spiders, and Bees - Francis Bacon (Novum Organum)
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing

“Those who have handled sciences have been either men of experiment or men of dogmas. The men of experiment are like the ant, they only collect and use; the reasoners resemble spiders, who make cobwebs out of their own substance. But the bee takes a middle course: it gathers its material from the flowers of the garden and of the field, but transforms and digests it by a power of its own. Not unlike this is the true business of philosophy; for it neither relies solely or chiefly on the powers of the mind, nor does it take the matter which it gathers from natural history and mechanical experiments and lay it up in the memory whole, as it finds it, but lays it up in the understanding altered and digested. Therefore from a closer and purer league between these two faculties, the experimental and the rational (such as has never yet been made), much may be hoped.”
Francis Bacon, Novum Oganum, Book I (1620)

A biological analogy by Sir Francis Bacon (Novum Organum, 1620)
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Timeline of Psychedelic Research

N.B. Under construction... Chronological data is incomplete and may contain errors!

Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing

Telomeric age & epigenetic clock analysis
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Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
The "Psilocybin-Telomere Hypothesis"

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is challenging at any age, and for adults 50 and over, one of the best ways to combat the symptoms of “old age” is to be educated about ways to stay healthy.

In a nutshell, this hypothesis postulates that psilocybin slows down genetic ageing. This effect can be measured quantitatively via modern molecular methods such as telomere analysis or epigenetic clock analysis.

Slide 3
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Telomere Length Analysis

"The exciting discovery that telomere shortening is associated with many health conditions, and that telomere lengths can be altered in response to social and environmental exposures, has underscored the need for methods to accurately and consistently quantify telomere length.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive summary that compares and contrasts the current technologies used to assess telomere length."

Slide 2
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Epigenetic Clock Analysis

An epigenetic clock is a biochemical test that can be used to measure age. The test is based on DNA methylation levels, measuring the accumulation of methyl groups to one's DNA molecules.

Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Brain Imaging Studies with Psilocybin and MDMA - Robin Carhart-Harris
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psilocibina e Psiquiatria / Psilocybin and Psychiatry
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin) Grows New Brain Cells
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Researching Psilocybin's Effects on Depression - Dr. Rosalind Watts
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
The science of psilocybin and its use to relieve suffering
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psychedelic Science - Robin Carhart-Harris, PhD (2016)
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
TEDx Mid Atlantic - Roland Griffiths talks about psilocybin research
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psychedelics: Lifting the veil | Robin Carhart-Harris | TEDxWarwick
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Roland Griffiths on "The Mystical Experience and Psilocybin Research"
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psilocybin in the Treatment of Mood and Substance Use Disorders
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Paul Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms and the Mycology of Consciousness
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Robin Carhart-Harris - Can Magic Mushrooms treat depression?
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Milan Scheidegger: Psilocybin & Mindfulness in a Meditation Retreat Setting
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Kathleen Harrison - Psilocybin Mushrooms and Salvia Divinorum Among the Mazatecs of Mexico
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Paul Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms of Our Amazing World
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Paul Stamets - Psilocybe and Amanita
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Paul Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms and the Mycology of Consciousness
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Brain Imaging Studies with Psilocybin and MDMA - Robin Carhart-Harris
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psilocibina e Psiquiatria / Psilocybin and Psychiatry
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin) Grows New Brain Cells
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Researching Psilocybin's Effects on Depression - Dr. Rosalind Watts
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
The science of psilocybin and its use to relieve suffering
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psychedelic Science - Robin Carhart-Harris, PhD (2016)
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
TEDx Mid Atlantic - Roland Griffiths talks about psilocybin research
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psychedelics: Lifting the veil | Robin Carhart-Harris | TEDxWarwick
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Roland Griffiths on "The Mystical Experience and Psilocybin Research"
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psilocybin in the Treatment of Mood and Substance Use Disorders
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Paul Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms and the Mycology of Consciousness
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Robin Carhart-Harris - Can Magic Mushrooms treat depression?
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Milan Scheidegger: Psilocybin & Mindfulness in a Meditation Retreat Setting
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Kathleen Harrison - Psilocybin Mushrooms and Salvia Divinorum Among the Mazatecs of Mexico
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Paul Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms of Our Amazing World
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Paul Stamets - Psilocybe and Amanita
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Paul Stamets - Psilocybin Mushrooms and the Mycology of Consciousness
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Psilocybin enhances global functional connectivity.
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
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Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Slide 1
Psilocybin in combination with meditation may boost well-being and creativity.
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
1 Lecture
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Duration: 29 min
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing
Hypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic AgeingHypothesis: Psilocybin modulates genetic ageing (for instance, via telomerase activity)., Psilocybin & Genetic Ageing

etymology of the term psychedelic
See also:

“One of the most remarkable traits of quantum mechanics is that it allows two or more particles to exist in what is called an entangled state. What happens to one of the particles in an entangled pair determines what happens to the other particle, even if they are far apart. In 1997–1998, Anton Zeilinger conducted groundbreaking experiments using entangled light particles, photons. These and other experiments confirm that quantum mechanics is correct and pave the way for quantum computers, quantum networks and quantum encrypted communication.”

Source: Anton Zeilinger – Facts – 2022. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2023. Sat. 14 Oct 2023.