Show All psilocybin-research-com-3🔊 Read abstract aloud Psilocybin-Forschung ist ein Web-Projekt welches von der Europäischen Union durch das... Homo consumens Szerszynski, B.. (2013). The End of the End of Nature: The Anthropocene and the Fate... Wicked problems Buchanan, R.. (2006). Wicked Problems in Design Thinking. Design Issues Plain numerical DOI: 10.2307/1511637 DOI... Relative drug harm: The comparison of psilocybin with other drugs Nutt, D. J., King, L. A., & Phillips, L. D.. (2010). Drug harms in the... GoogleTrends analysis for Psilocybin (R-code) [crayon-67ba07ccb733c370417993/] Associated R package manual: Cf. Using GoogleTrends analysis to quantify the virality of... Spaceship Earth Boulding, K. E.. (2013). The economics of the coming spaceship earth. In Environmental Quality in... Imaginal cells Ohno, Y., & Otaki, J. M.. (2015). Live Cell Imaging of Butterfly Pupal and Larval... Hologenome theory of evolution The hologenome theory of evolution recasts the individual animal or plant as a community or... Load more Loading more... You’ve reached the end of the list