“Hoch, who was initially trained in Germany, conducted covert brain damaging experiments on unwitting mental patients. He and his team subjecting them to injections of high doses of hallucinogenic drugs, such as mescaline and LSD causing an “immediate, massive, and almost shock-like picture with higher doses.” He then lobotomized some of the patients in order to compare the effects of acid before and after psychosurgery. Hoch is quoted stating: “It is possible that a certain amount of brain damage is of therapeutic value.” (Lee and Shlain. Acid Dreams, 1985) For decades, Columbia and NYSPI denied any CIA connection, but CIA documents refute those denials.”

Source: https://ahrp.org/experimental-lobotomies-at-nys-psychiatric-institute-of-columbia-university/

Hoch, P., & Polatin, P.. (1949). Pseudoneurotic forms of schizophrenia. The Psychiatric Quarterly

, 23(2), 248–276.
Plain numerical DOI: 10.1007/BF01563119
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Further publications by Hoch

